STRATFORD — In the face of fierce opposition, the Stratford Town Council voted unanimously Monday to table a decision on plans to build a 160-unit housing complex at the old Center School property.
The controversial development, which was endorsed earlier this year by a selection committee, drew dozens of residents to the council’s weekly meeting, many of whom pressed the council to vote down the project due to concerns over traffic and density.
Dubbed “SuttonPlace,” the project from Spirit Investment Partners and Kaali-Nagy Properties calls for a four-story building with 154 apartments and six three-bedroom townhomes on Sutton Avenue.
Town officials have long eyed the Center School site for redevelopment. The 3.6-acre property sits just a few steps from a Metro-North train station, making it an attractive location for developers interested in building apartments and storefronts.
Site plans submitted to the town show the apartment building would include eight studios, 102 one-bedroom units and 44 two-bedroom units. The complex would also feature 308 parking spots with a mix of below- and above-ground parking.
According to Spirit’s application, the projected market-rate rents for each unit is $1,800 for a studio, $1,950 for a one-bedroom, $2,425 for a two-bedroom and $3,750 for a three-bedroom. None of the units are designated as affordable housing.
A town committee convened to study redevelopment proposals recommended in February that the council move forward with the Spirit and Kaali-Nagy project over a similar development proposed by Romano Brothers Builders.
The Romano proposal included a total of 154 apartments — 134 units in a four-story building and 20 in five four-unit townhouses. Like the Spirit proposal, the Romano development’s townhouses would have fronted Sutton Avenue.
The meeting was held after Spirit and Romano submitted new financial proposals due to a new tax ordinance that lowered the tax abatement maximum from 10 years to six.
According to letters submitted to the town, Spirit said the tax abatement change would require it to lower its proposed purchase price from $1.625 million to $550,000. Romano, meanwhile said its proposed price is $1.69 million
Before the vote, more than 20 speakers urged the council to deny both proposals, arguing that a multifamily housing development on the now-vacant site would not fit in with a neighborhood largely made up of single-family homes.
Calvin Robertson, an East Broadway resident, called the proposals “ludicrous” and warned they would lead to an influx of traffic. He said the town should retain ownership of the property in an effort to benefit nearby residents.
“You are taking town property — property owned by us — and throwing it away,” he said.
Similarly, several speakers urged the council to turn the property into a public park. Others suggested building senior housing on the site, and another called on the council to allow residents to vote on the Spirit development as part of a town referendum.
Susan Becker, who has lived on Warwick Avenue for four decades, called the project “extremely unbelievable.” She suggested the council was discriminating against neighborhoods south of Interstate 95 by encouraging dense development in the area.
“This project would never have been considered for the elite north end,” she said.
It is unclear when the council may revisit the redevelopment project. There was no discussion among council members before the decision to table a vote to sell the property to Spirit.