General Info on Tamil Nadu


Tamil Nadu lies between the latitudes of 8.5 degree to 13.3 degree and longitudes of 76.15 degree to 80.20 degree E.

Total area

The 11th largest state of India – Tamil Nadu covers total area of 1,30,058 sq km.


The state enjoys tropical climate with little bit deviation in summer and winter temperature. The temperature ranges between 43 degree C to 13 degree C. The state receives an average annual rainfall ranging between 25 and 75 inches.

Language Spoken

Tamil is the official language of the state.

Food Habits

The culinary world of the state boasts of several vegetarian and non-vegetarian delicious delicacies. Every food item has the flavor of condiments and mixture of spices. Coconut, asafoetida and tamarind are the important ingredients of vegetarian dishes. Every day meal includes vegetables, rice, grains and lentils, served with sambar, coconut chutney and mulaga podi. The non vegetarian dishes includes chicken, fish and mutton curries. Relish at typical dishes of the state which includes idli, sambar, dosa, rasam and pongal.

Best time to visit

Best time to visit Tamil Nadu is from November to March.

Travel tips to Tamil Nadu

The climate of the state is hot and humid, therefore carry some good cotton clothes during the summer season. In winters carry some light woolen clothes. Avoid street food and order your lunch in some good restaurants and hotels only.

Local transport system

The public transport system consists of state and private buses and more than 100 train, which can be used to travel within the state. Domestic airports in major cities of the state has regular flights connecting each other. To travel locally people can hire auto rickshaw or taxi.

How to Reach

Air: Tamil Nadu has an international airport in Chennai.

Railway: The major railway head is Chennai railway station, connecting the major cities of India.

Road: The state has several of national highways and state highways connecting with other parts of the India.