Insider updates on Xirivella residential development project

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Early this year, Reinvest24 expanded to Spain, opened our first international branch near Valencia and published our first development project from Spain – Xirivella residential. In this blog article, you will find all the recent updates on this project and follow its construction works in pictures.

Key facts about Xirivella residential project:

  • Collateral – Owned by our SPV, secured with a mortgage;
  • Duration – 12 months;
  • Fully developed and managed by the Reinvest24 team, in partnership with an experienced construction company – Kirsan Building SL;
  • It is a full-bullet loan, which means that interests accrued, as well as principal will be paid at the end of the loan term; 

Update for 20.04.2022

Greetings from sunny Spain and Xirivella project, which is repaying the next stages to our participating investors. This time it’s the 2nd and 3rd stages, which are repaying back to our investors EUR 100 000 of principal, earning 14.5 % p.a. The 4th stage will be repaid in the last week of April and the last 6 stages will be repaid back during May.


Update for 11.02.2022

We are glad to announce, that the very first stage of the Xirivella residential development project got repaid back to our investors, who have earned 15.8% p.a. Xurray to everyone who has participated in it!


Update for 28.01.2022

Reinvest24 first Spanish project is moving close to an end. The initial plan was to finalize the exit in January 2022. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the bureaucratic process was slower than expected, as the local authorities are open now 1 day per week instead of 5. Therefore the first stage will be repaid in the second week of February and the rest of the stages will be repaid one by one until the end of April.

As You can see in the pictures below, we were able to fully develop the inside of the building. Now all the apartments have laminated and tiled floors, as well as new windows and doors. The rooms are equipped with new bathroom and kitchen furniture. To date, all the apartments are ready to welcome new owners. 3 out of 10 apartments are sold, the rest are reserved. Our investors are also able to purchase these premises, therefore if You are looking for buying the property in the developing location near Valencia, kindly feel free to contact us or check this website.

Video update for 31.08.2021

Update for 05.2021

As of today, we have successfully acquired the Xirivella property and started with the project development. The biggest part of architectural works is already done by our main Architect. This involves the creation of apartment plans, choosing the right materials for reconstruction and specifying the requirements for the project. The construction works have already been started and are ongoing on-site. Our Reinvest24 Spain team is visiting the construction sites on a weekly basis and monitors the process personally.

Also, we already started with the selling process for the apartments. This week our Spanish team is meeting first potential buyers and showing them premises, although construction work is still ongoing. If You are also interested in buying the apartment of our Xirivella project, you can find more information about it here.

The plan

The initial state of the project in 11.2020

When we acquire this project, the facade, as well as insider premises looked like this. We started to renovate the apartments and as soon as we receive the licence for the facade works, we will proceed with this.

See more details of this property and invest in Spain here.

Wondering what potential we see in Spain and who from Reinvest24 is managing this project on a daily basis? Take a look at our insights about the Spanish real estate market and meet our Spanish team in the articles below:

  1. Spanish real estate market overview: Trends to expect in 2021;
  2. Reinvest24 has opened a branch in Spain;